suggest fun use of sampler feature on gigs

Posted by: rgtaa

suggest fun use of sampler feature on gigs - 06/13/02 07:52 AM

A simple use of Sampler: Have Groom and Bride each say "I love you such and such" or funny line ( a no-no "where's the MONEY" or "Doing it TONIGHT ) ...ect ... then play it back during night or in song! Or have Grandparents or Best Man say something! then you have instant access to it and can assign it to any key! It adds to showmanship! humourous stuff, ect! It seems some don't use the sampler feature ...but it can be alot of fun and audiance loves it , people love hearing there voice being played... ego boost!

Kids especially love to say a line or two! "This Sucks!" "Tom is a Jerk" !
Then I build a song around the sample ...

Parents could say " eat your vegatables" or "be home at 10" or " don't do that"!

Or I say " in the words of our very good friend BiLL let's ... "PARTY HARDY".. using Bill's sampled statement ! Repeating it over and over ... getting others to chime in with the music!

Please post things you do with your sampler ... I would love to hear more ways to use it!

Hope you are not offended by my humor!

[This message has been edited by rgtaa (edited 06-13-2002).]
Posted by: DonM

Re: suggest fun use of sampler feature on gigs - 06/13/02 08:02 AM

I used my mine in the same way with the PSR9000 (when I had one). Years ago Cascio made a little small keyboard that had a sampler. It had mini-keys and ran off batteries. Radio Shack sold it for around $200. I still have two of them. There is only room for a couple of phrases, but it works amazingly well. It was lots of fun to play with.
I used to say things like "more beer", or "why don't you take a break", and then play it back on several different keys, with pitch change.