psr2000 speakers

Posted by: rphillipchuk

psr2000 speakers - 12/08/02 05:37 PM

I had to sell my amps, so now the only option I have is to hook up a pair of headhones to the line out of my soundcard....Is it possible to hook up my psr2000 to my soundcard???
Posted by: trtjazz

Re: psr2000 speakers - 12/08/02 06:02 PM

Yes, you can hook up any keyboard that has line outs to your soundcard.
Posted by: rphillipchuk

Re: psr2000 speakers - 12/08/02 06:29 PM

I'm sorry I did not explain myself right!!!
Because I have no amplified speakers hooked up to my computer via line out,I have no way of hearing what comes out of my soundcard....Is it possible to hook up my Psr2000 to the back of my soundcard so I can use the Psr2000 speakers instead of the amplified speakers that I don't have..I guess what I am trying to find out is if I can play some audio cd's on the computer and have the sound come out of the Psr2000
Ron P
Posted by: MarcK

Re: psr2000 speakers - 12/08/02 06:56 PM

You can do it, but the sound will be mono, not stereo.
Posted by: Graham UK

Re: psr2000 speakers - 12/09/02 03:55 AM

To do as you suggested the keyboard has to have AUX LINE IN Left & Right. Most keyboards have a LINE IN, but I am not sure that the PSR2000 has ?.

Posted by: Beakybird

Re: psr2000 speakers - 12/09/02 04:20 AM

You cannot do this. Well, you could go through the mic input and remove all dsps and reverbs, but you will get mono sound. I think that if you want to hear sound through your computer, you should get some accurate but cheap near field monitors. If you don't have any money at all, you should continue using headphones.

Posted by: rphillipchuk

Re: psr2000 speakers - 12/10/02 01:19 PM

I have connected the line out , out of my soundCard and put it to the line in of my Psr2000. The key is to have balanced ( TRS ) ends. I happy to report this is working excellant
Posted by: Uncle Dave

Re: psr2000 speakers - 12/10/02 08:27 PM

The balanced ends mean nothing to that scenario. It's still only getting a signal from the tip, and it's still mono. That's not a bad thing at all, but it is still mono.