Assigning chords

Posted by: New Yorker

Assigning chords - 09/04/02 05:23 PM

I dont have yamaha arrangers but I know you can assign chords either when creating styles or a song (correct me on this one). I know you can do the same on kn7000...

How about on Genesys or Korg PA series?

Thank you.

New Yorker
Posted by: Bluezplayer

Re: Assigning chords - 09/04/02 08:55 PM

Not 100% sure if I am understanding what you mean here NYer.. but here goes. On the PA80 you can create or modify a style in the chorfd voicing of your choice. Most of the styles are constructed with C major ( not C M7 as on past Korg arrangers ), but there is a control on the main screen that allows yuo to edit or create a style part using any chord you wish.

Part 2.. Are you referring to step recording ? This can also be done on the PA80.