What command to tell keyboard to use GM set?

Posted by: Starkeeper

What command to tell keyboard to use GM set? - 01/03/03 12:19 PM

I'm having problems playing MIDI files (and also software arrangers) on my Roland EM20. I sent Roland an email and they responded that I need to send a command to tell the keyboard to use it's GM sound set (probably defaults to GS). They said any good sequencer has this option. I don't have a sequencer. Is there some other way of doing this? Does Pro-Tracks have this feature?
Posted by: Chris A

Re: What command to tell keyboard to use GM set? - 01/03/03 09:46 PM

GeneralMidi On. Just send the following SysEx message at the very start of the song;


Refer to your sequencer's help for how to transmit a System Exclusive message. Then just paste in the data you see above. Please let me know if you need more help.
