PSR9000 OS 2.1 bug

Posted by: Anhbus

PSR9000 OS 2.1 bug - 02/07/01 08:09 AM

This is my bug report to Yamaha. The tech person said he could not repeat that. Wonder any other PSR9000 users got the same problem?
Dear Sir/Madame,

1)I loaded a song previously recorded in Easy/StepRec mode. I added more measures also in Easy/StepRec mode. When I switch to MultiTrackRec screen and play the song, the bass track was completely out of tune. I discovered that in the bass track, there were about a dozen of Pitch Bend event of value -4069. I deleted all these events and the track sounded ok. This problem was repeatable.

2)Then, after fixing the bass track I switched to the Record screen. Now all tracks (trk1-trk8) that were empty before, were indicated as already recorded (solid circle). I found that each track had this event:
ctrl 11 127 Exp
The 9000 did not insert this event into tracks that already had some data. Now I don't know which track is empty any more.

I found that recording on this keyboard is very time consuming, please save us some time by fixing those. Thanks.