The quixotic quest for PSR2000/2100 HD

Posted by: Beakybird

The quixotic quest for PSR2000/2100 HD - 02/01/03 06:11 AM

So the PSR2100 will have twice the flash memory that the PSR2000 has. However, a lot of the newest styles like the Yamaha Power Styles take up a lot more memory. Yesterday I did a senior dance with my PSR2000. It went great. The only crimp was when I wanted a style that was on another floppy. Those seniors wanted to dance, and didn't want to wait for me to be loading material. A lot of times I just stuck with internal styles and what I had on the current floppy until the scene on the dance floor changed.

I want to buy this HDM, but I am having troubles with the sellers. The one in the Ukraine offers a cheaper price, but doesn't speak or write any English. I'm trying to get a Russian speaking friend or relative to translate so I can arrange payment.

The seller in Germany wants to charge me the new price on their website. $300 USA which is $123 more than their previous price. I wrote an email saying that he should honor the original price he quoted me three weeks ago, but I haven't heard a reply in several days. We're not dealing with here.

But I'm going to get a hold of one of these HDMs by hook or crook, because I would love to be able to have immediate access to all of my styles. As everyone knows, HD files are faster loading than floppy styles, and even that second or two that it takes for a floppy style to load up can be too much when there are people waiting to dance.

Posted by: travlin'easy

Re: The quixotic quest for PSR2000/2100 HD - 02/01/03 07:57 AM

Hey Beakybird,

I used to have to same problem of having the wrong disk in the keyboard, but I quickly discovered that once a style is loaded in the keyboard, you can switch disks while you're playing without encountering any problems.

Got to thinking about the HD a bit more, looked at the website again, and I'm trying to figure out how you would quickly move from, lets say disk 50 to disk 97. It appears as if first and foremost, you would have to know what is on each disk or have some printed directory that you could look up the styles and determine where they're located. Then, would you have to push the button 47 times to get to that disk? If this is the case, it would create an enormous amount of dead time between songs--not what the folks on the dance floor want.

Because the style files are quite small, I was able to put 28 on a single floppy disk and still had lots of room remaining. Then I renamed the files to the songs that I play and sing using that particular style. This pretty much eliminated any dead time between songs. I also set up the PSR-2000's MFD with "GIG FILES" which amounts to nothing more than 60 to 80 songs that I would normally do for a particular group or party. Again, this was the most effecient way to go and the dead time between songs is just about two seconds. You may want to take this into consideration before sending $300 bucks to someone for something that you've never been able to see, touch or play with.

Good Luck,

Posted by: Dnj

Re: The quixotic quest for PSR2000/2100 HD - 02/01/03 08:14 AM


One loaded floppy and the MF is the way to need for a HD with the 2k.
Posted by: btweengigs

Re: The quixotic quest for PSR2000/2100 HD - 02/01/03 10:06 AM

If your KB is still under warranty, I would think long and hard about invalidating it with an unauthorized HD.
Posted by: trtjazz

Re: The quixotic quest for PSR2000/2100 HD - 02/01/03 11:39 AM

I would also think long and hard before I sent my money to:
1. People who do not communicate in your native tongue and who knows if they will ever send the product.
2. A company that jacks the price up that high in a shortperiod of time and apparently is very sluggish in responding....gee I wonder if they will respond after they get your $ and have a problem with it.

Just some thoughts "caveat emptor"

jam on,
Posted by: Beakybird

Re: The quixotic quest for PSR2000/2100 HD - 02/01/03 12:54 PM

Yeah, I take these warnings, but ...

I work with hundreds of styles. I have the PSR2000 internal styles, I have my PSR740 and 9000 styles, I have some great styles converted from the X1 and KN5000 and a few from the VA7, I have Yamaha Power Styles, fantastic styles from the CVP209 (that are no longer shareable) and now some great styles from the Tyros. Then I have styles that I have altered, putting in swing beats so that they fit a certain song. I almost never use the same style for two songs.

I have about 7-8 disks that I work with. So the problem of going from partition 50 to partition 97 is not likely going to happen. Given that pressing both buttons on this HDM control contraption brings you to zero, you can put your floppies on partitions 97-04. Then to go from say 98 to 03, you could press both buttons to go to zero and then press the up button three times.

One of the Germans who owns this device reported quick access times. I've heard from three happy customers so far and no unhappy customers.

To Scott Langloff, the German seller of this device told me that they still don't have a version that will work with the Korg PA60.

I haven't heard from anyone who has been ripped off by not getting their device. I think that if these folks weren't sending the goods, people would hear about it.

It is very difficult for me to change floppies while performing. With this HDM, however, I could change partitions while performing rather easily and have the keyboard ready to punch in the next style at the end of the song.

I'm going to try to get this device for less than $300. I'll keep you guys posted. I'm waiting to hear from my sister's mother-in-law who speaks Polish, German, Russian, and English. When she received a fax from me she had some Russian musicians at her apartment (She is an orchestra concierge), and they told her that they would try to assist in purchasing the HDM for me. We'll see.

Thanks for the advice,


[This message has been edited by Beakybird (edited 02-01-2003).]