"Data hasn't been loaded properly" error

Posted by: SemiLiveMusic

"Data hasn't been loaded properly" error - 04/12/05 07:09 AM

Midi song created on psr740. Four of them are on the disk. Stick the disk in psr2000, I very briefly (as in a flash) see the song title properly but then "Data hasn't been loaded properly" error.

This song I want is named, others are 'song001.mid,' 'song002.mid,' etc. I copied all to computer, then put the named one on a floppy. Same error. Then loaded another file, 'song001.mid' and did NOT get the error. All the other songs load and play okay.

Question is, is there anything I can do for this file that generates this error. Only reason I ask is because wouldn't you know it, it took me weeks to nail this 'perfect' recording of this song I wrote. I don't know if I have it stored anywhere else.
Posted by: msutliff

Re: "Data hasn't been loaded properly" error - 04/12/05 07:30 AM

Hey Semi,

You could give GNMidi a try. It has a "Check all Midi files" function that will try to repair damaged files if the damage is not too extensive.


I've got it here at work. If you want to send me one, I'll run it and report back what it finds.

Posted by: SemiLiveMusic

Re: "Data hasn't been loaded properly" error - 04/12/05 08:33 AM

STRANGE! I sent the file to Mike. He reported back that it is a TEXT file, not midi. That blows my mind.

I opened the file and yep, it's text but it's something I don't understand. This is copied from the file...

"Life With Love And You",
"C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\bill\songs_orig_recorded\LifeWith.MID"

"(c) Copyright 2004 All rights reserved 14/a-d/74/-4
"I have climbed a mountain"
"Just to see what I could see"

That's just the first two lines. Anyone have any idea what this is? The words "I have climbed a mountain" and "just to see what I could see"... those are the first two lyric phrases. The numbers in there, I have no clue what that is.

I mean, I have no recollection of doing anything with a lyric. I type my lyrics and save them as text files. I record my keyboard recordings on the keyboard and they obviously become .mid files. This looks like something was combined?

I have no recollection if I have ever used any program to do that. Maybe I did but I don't remember it.

[This message has been edited by SemiLiveMusic (edited 04-12-2005).]