Sad news

Posted by: fathan

Sad news - 06/08/05 12:25 AM

Yesterday, at 3.30 pm, I was at work, my wife and kids was visiting her friend. There was only my 18 year old housekeeper at my house when 7 robbers got into the house, locked the housekeeper in his room, got into my bedroom, took all my wife's jewelry, took the suitcase full of important papers (Birth certificate, marriage license etc ) and my dearest YAMAHA PSR3000 which I've just had it for 5 months.These robbers really have a good teste. It took them 3- 4 minutes to finished their job. The TV, sound system (I had a pretty good one ), they didn't touch them, thanks God. But my biggest lost is secure feeling. Now I have to move out. I hope what happened to me, will never happen to all of you in this forum.
Stay alert

Posted by: trident

Re: Sad news - 06/08/05 01:35 AM

the lucky thing is they didn't harm anyone. Material things can be bought again, but you cannot "undo" loss of life.
Hope it is the last time you feel like that.
Posted by: Sheriff

Re: Sad news - 06/08/05 02:01 AM

Sorry to hear about your destiny. I know that this will sometimes lead into the feeling of unsecurity. Maybe, we are too confident with our lives and so we loose control in such situations. Stay watchful in every minute of your life because the destiny will always beat us right in that moment when we are careless...

I hope that the things will soon getting better for you. The most important thing is that you and your friend didn't get violated by the robbers. It'll be some work to get your papers back (or again). The other valuable things like the synth can be replaced by insurance.

Greetings from Frankfurt (Germany),
Sheriff ;-)
Posted by: kbrkr

Re: Sad news - 06/08/05 04:50 AM


Thank goodness you and your family were not hurt. It's only material things, so I wouldn't be too upset. They can be replaced.

My philosophy is to always make something positive happen from something negative. I preach this to my family and my co-workers.

Sieze this opportunity to make a more positive impact on your life. Perhaps move to a better place, replace your 3000 with a Tyros, find God,.... do something positive and you will feel reborn!!!!

Best of luck
Posted by: PraiseTheLord

Re: Sad news - 06/08/05 06:06 AM


Thank God that you and your loved ones are safe.

There is so much emotion attached to a musical instrument as you have played it, that I understand your feeling of loss too.

This is a scary world and my heart and prayers reach out to you, to help you in the coming months.

God Bless You
Posted by: tony mads usa

Re: Sad news - 06/08/05 07:03 AM

So sorry to hear about your experience...
As others have said, thank God no one was injured, or worse...
We had been burglarized several years ago, so I can appreciate your feeling of being violated ...It took a long time before we felt comfortable in our house again ...

Our prayers are with you and your family ...
Posted by: squeak_D

Re: Sad news - 06/08/05 07:17 AM

Sorry to hear that man. Glad your family is safe. I can totally relate to your situation. When I was 13 years old I was home alone, and two robbers snuck in our back door. Long story short I ended up shooting one in the a#*@ with a high power 22cal break barrel pellet rifle. They both bolted out of the house. I called the cops, they tracked him down later at the hospital. They had to remove the pellet from his butt cheek. He then snitched out his friend. I tell you it's a scarey thing when someone comes into your home like that. Again thank goodness your family wasn't home at the time and no one was injured.


[This message has been edited by squeak_D (edited 06-08-2005).]
Posted by: Clif Anderson

Re: Sad news - 06/08/05 07:43 AM

I suggest you don't use that housekeeper again.
Posted by: captain Russ

Re: Sad news - 06/08/05 07:43 AM

Squeak, I had a similar experience. It was in Fairbanks, Alaska. My mom was bed-ridden...8 months pregnant. My dad was on alert at Ladd AFB. We lived in a cabin in Grail, Alaska...really isolated in the middle of the winter.

A fellow hung around a window for about an hour, then broke the window and came in. I shot him in the knee with my little 410 over/under Savage, and kept the gun on him until daylight. My little brother bundled up and went to the neighbors (about 300 yards away in minus degree weather) to get help.

The wierd thing is, this guy got out of jail a year later, and I'd see him limping around downtown Fairbanks.

The Air Force made me see a military psychologist who asked me how I felt about what had happened. I told him that the only thing I wasn't sure of is wether I should have killed him or not.

I have regretted what happened all my life, but, given the situation, I didn't have a choice. The guy had been assaulting women and robbing them.

So sad...

Posted by: GlennT

Re: Sad news - 06/08/05 08:13 AM

So sorry to hear about your experience, but thank God it wasn't worse. You might want to get a dog or good alarm system.

Posted by: trevorjohn

Re: Sad news - 06/08/05 03:54 PM

Good job you guys with the guns didn't live in the UK. YOU would have been the ones in jail whilst the robbers were busy suing you for the value of everything they hadn't manage to steal.

You just don't understand that these guys have been forced to try to rob your house to draw attention to their troubled childhoods and all the wrongs that society has inflicted on them.

I know that's not much help to poor old Fathan and his family. Just try not to let it affect you too much and hope that nothing like it happens again.

Best wishes....Trevor
Posted by: squeak_D

Re: Sad news - 06/08/05 04:03 PM

That's the beauty of the US. Here in the O'l U. S. of A (in most states--not sure if in all) if an intruder enters your home by force and is a threat to you and your family, you can shoot them dead. Of course there are some limitations to that. Example if you shoot them once and seriously hurt them to the point as they're no longer considered a threat, and then shoot them again, it is considered excessive force. If the person dies as a result then manslaughter charges apply. Basically make sure the first shot does the job

Posted by: fathan

Re: Sad news - 06/08/05 06:54 PM

I thank all of you for your words of support and encouragement.Here in Indonesia we are allowed to have a gun, but cost of get the papers is sky high. I 've decided for the best of my family, we have to move out from that area.
Posted by: SemiLiveMusic

Re: Sad news - 06/09/05 04:02 AM

No doubt, it is at least comforting that no one was hurt. I also agree that there's a possibility the housekeeper was in on it. I guess no way to know but I'd be wary. My former housekeeper burglarized my house one time and made it look like burglars did it.