
Posted by: arcadia

Band-in-a-box - 12/04/04 04:13 PM

Hi everyone, I'm a lurker that has come out of the shadows at last and actually registered here on Synthzone. I read the posts most days and feel I know you all like family! I'm a retired muso (guitar/bass guitar) but use my KN 5000 for occasional teaching and playing pleasure.
After reading the enthusiastic reports from members about Band-in-a-Box I immediately purchased a copy online. Whilst the program has some impressive features I found after loading and playing I was unable to display the bass part(notation)of any of my midi files. I can bring up the melody line only. I couldn't find the answer in the help menus. I have used Cakewalk and Digital Orchestrator in the past with no problem in this respect. I wondered if any of the BIAB gurus out there would be able to help. I know it's something probably very simple that I've missed. Many thanks in advance!!

Posted by: mikeathome1

Re: Band-in-a-box - 12/04/04 04:22 PM

I've also tried to load a midi file into band in a box and found out you cannot load a midi file, only the one track.
If I'm wrong and somebody can tell me how to do it that would be great.


[This message has been edited by mikeathome1 (edited 12-04-2004).]
Posted by: Jerryghr

Re: Band-in-a-box - 12/04/04 05:23 PM

When you go to the file option select import chords from midi. The next menu that comes up asks what channel the bass, melody, solo, etc are on , and you must fill in the correct channel. You can see what channel they are on in your sequencer. Choose interpret chords now and close. It does a pretty good job of interpreting the chords and printing the leed sheets for the channels selected.


Posted by: royandreno

Re: Band-in-a-box - 12/04/04 05:57 PM

Why don't you ask the experienced users at the Biab forum. Lots of knowledgable and helpful people there!

Posted by: GlennT

Re: Band-in-a-box - 12/04/04 06:19 PM
Posted by: brickboo

Re: Band-in-a-box - 12/04/04 06:27 PM


1. Click the play icon on the main screen.
2. Click the lead sheet icon on the main screen (the one with the connected eight notes tied together, it's the leadsheet window) the single eight note (it's the notation window) the notation is for doing notation not seeing the different leadsheet notes of the different instruments.
3. In the leadsheet screen at the top right you'll see the letters B,D,P,G,S,M,S
The B is for bass, The D is for drums, The P is fo Piano, The G for Guitar, S for Strings, M is for melody, and the last S is for the solo part.

If you can't find the two eight notes tied together icon, click to the far right of the main screen on one of the little arrows and that brings up other functions you can do and the two eight notes tied together icon may be hidden in there.

Hope this helps. You can email me,
Posted by: arcadia

Re: Band-in-a-box - 12/04/04 11:20 PM

Many thanks, guys, I have now solved the problem of displaying bass notation. I am running version 2005. I also note that the chords of the song appear automatically on opening the file which is a plus.
Once again, many thanks for the info.
Posted by: kbrkr

Re: Band-in-a-box - 12/05/04 05:48 PM


Welcome to the family. Why don't you tell us a little more about your musical background!!

Posted by: arcadia

Re: Band-in-a-box - 12/06/04 03:02 AM

Hi Al
Glad to be a part of the family!
I started my playing career in the early sixties in the UK with trios and quartets playing guitar for Saturday night dances and weddings and gradually worked my way into the big bands which I suppose by that time had started their decline.

Later I became involved in the club scene backing cabaret and then did a long stint with P&O working as a ship's musician on bass guitar and sometimes guitar. Great days and all that free travel!! My last pro gig was a residency at C'esars Palace (not the Ceasars Palace!!)in Luton, UK

In the early eighties I came to Australia to live and then things started to slow up a bit as I was getting a little older and also I didn't do vocals which was becoming a prerequisite for employment unless one was lucky enough or good enough to get into the session scene. So after a few years of weekend only work (mainly part of a duo playing my KN2000 and later kn5000) I decided to call it a day, although I still keep my hand in at home. I now work as an Occupational Health & Safety Officer at a major clothing manufacturer and importer in Sydney.