Gem Genesys faults

Posted by: eyrec

Gem Genesys faults - 09/10/02 10:52 AM

I was wondering if any one else has purchased one of these instruments and has found it to be faulty?
The sounds and styles on mine are extremely tinny (even after changing the mixer settings internally), it will not play any midi files correctly (I don't use these when I'm playing to singers but I thought I'd check this feature out anyway), all MP3's sound louder than any internal sound although a bit of tweaking changes that, there is a hissing sound which is quite loud when connecting to my external speakers. I've checked all leads and it's not them. Also, the main problem is that the Genesys has locked up on several occasions when I'm either playing an MP3, editing a sound or simply playing along to an internal style.
I think my music shop in the UK seems to think I'm some kid who has no idea how to play at all or use this keyboard! I'm 32 and have been playing professionally but now semi pro for 24 years. I'm also a qualified music teacher and could probably teach them a thing or two.
I have the latest operating system (apparantly the 4th one in only 4 weeks) but have been told by the shop that Gem have now released another op system to correct the midi fault just because I have spotted it.
Just how many faults does the Genesys have or is it me that has a dodgy one?
I've decided to try the new op system but if things are not rectified it's demanding my money back time - obviously if Gem say they have released another operating system to correct the midi file problem, my machine came faulty in the first place. (1979 sales of goods act look it up) Come on Gem, look at the competition and get something done right sharpish. Also, change the MP3 demos if you want buyers to purchase one, they're rubbish compared to the others and styles inside the keyboard.
Genesys obviously has some potential but just how many updates have I got to wait for, before I have a keyboard that works 100%. There is no way as a gigging musician that I would take this out and watch it die on me. I would be a laughing stock on stage and probably lose more work than gain it.
One unhappy UK customer.
Posted by: eddy awada

Re: Gem Genesys faults - 09/10/02 11:40 AM

that reminded me of the Wk8 that i used to have.I guess that typical with Generalmusic products.

Posted by: ziggy

Re: Gem Genesys faults - 09/10/02 04:23 PM

Hi Eyec, I am giving you my email, which is:
can you please send me an email and informe me if it is possible to chatt wednesday or thursday on either Yahoo, MSN or AOL wichever is convinient to you.
I am asking you cause I orderd one and I use it to gig with. I still have WK4 and I konw the OS problem they had in the begining, about the keyboard shutting down
"IT'S NO NEW NEWS ON GEM" i got use to it. but tell me does the styles and sounds sound good???? and if I may ask you , is there any good HUMAN voices on it I use a lot of midi files for me to sing and I use the styles for instrumentals, so if you tell me what it is really like I appreciate it a lot.
Waiting for you reply...I really would like to have a voice chatt with you.

Posted by: sk880user

Re: Gem Genesys faults - 09/10/02 06:22 PM

wait few months, and all bugs will be ironed out. Basically, since software is a major factor in a musical keyboard, bugs are inevitable. The same deal about Yamaha and Ketron.