question on sd1 sampler

Posted by: Sev01

question on sd1 sampler - 08/28/01 12:40 AM

Hello sd1 users,

I have some of my own sampled drum loops installed in the sd1 and already using them in my custom styles, but when I change the tempo of the style my sampled drum loops doesn't follow the tempo change. I wanted to know if it is possible to do this kind of operation on sd1. In some factory styles of this keyboard like: Dance1,2,3,Popdown1,2,3,4,etc. they have used sampled drum loops and when you change the tempo the loops change tempo as well without changing their pitch or quality. So I wish I could do the same thing with my loops. Maybe Dan or Ketron AJ or somebody else has any clue.
Thank you so much for the help.
Posted by: DanO1

Re: question on sd1 sampler - 08/28/01 05:52 AM

I believ that you have to assign the sample a length ....such as howmany measures to loop . You need AJ's manual ! It covers most of these operations ! Dano
email me direct I can send one to you for $35.00 including shipping anywhere in the world .