Bachata Style

Posted by: GlennT

Bachata Style - 08/08/05 04:03 PM

Is Bachata no more than a modern version of the Rumba? If not, where did it come from... and can the two styles be interchanged?

Posted by: Dnj

Re: Bachata Style - 08/08/05 05:57 PM

You Have mail!!
Posted by: GlennT

Re: Bachata Style - 08/08/05 06:14 PM

Thanks, Donny. Actually the SD1 has 2 Bachata patterns but no Rumba style... interesting. Seems the 2 are close enough that they can be interchanged.

Posted by: Route 66

Re: Bachata Style - 08/09/05 03:37 AM

The bachata style in the Ketrons is one of the styles I miss the most- being now a Yamaha user. I used to perform songs from Juan Luis Guerra and I've never found a satisfactory bachata style again...

-- José.
Posted by: Dreamer

Re: Bachata Style - 08/09/05 04:00 AM

give a listen to the Ketron Midjay: there are demo's on the italian website; granted, they are just MP3s, but if you compare them with the MP3s from the SD1, the difference in sonic fidelity is clear.
Posted by: Route 66

Re: Bachata Style - 08/09/05 05:12 AM

Hey Andrea, trying to convince me to ruin my (already tiny) bank account? I had the opportunity to audition the Midjay in Portugal and I kept a very good impression of this little module and of its features (and yes, my dear Bachata was there ); I auditioned the Midjay with a lower than average quality PA - not good to realize the improvement in sonic quality. But I wouldn't like to add more gear to my setup anyway... I used to play two songs of Juan Luis Guerra: Bachata Rosa & Burbujas de Amor (the later brings very sweet moments of my life to my mind ). On the Tyros Music Finder, the Bachata "Burbujas de Amor" appears assigned to the style Rhumba.

-- José.
Posted by: Dreamer

Re: Bachata Style - 08/09/05 06:03 AM

you have just bought a Bose PAS and now you tell me that you are afraid to buy a Midjay??
Anyway, one style I really love on the Tyros is the Cuban Bolero; have you tried to play your bachatas with this one?
Waiting for the Tyros 2, I will no doubt keep an eye on the Midjay.
Posted by: Route 66

Re: Bachata Style - 08/09/05 11:16 AM

Midjay = slower setup, more gear to bring; PAS = less gear to carry, more power and fidelity, quicker setup, more portability. There you have it!

Yes, I like the Cuban Bolero style too (great for some Gloria Estefan balads), and it's a possibility, but for Juan Luis Guerra bachatas, I don't like it. The Ketron bachata style works much better. Since I droped my Ketron, I sadly and simply gave up performing these songs.

I also expect the new Tyros will unify the mid/wav/mp3 worlds, covering at least some of the inovative Midjay features.


-- José.