Fake Book DB

Posted by: Joe Waters

Fake Book DB - 12/02/01 12:39 PM

I have quite a few fake books and they provide, for me at least, the music of choice for playing an arranger keyboard. With the melody for the right hand, the chords for the left hand, and all song data fitting on a single page (with most fake books having many hundreds of songs available), I think these books are perfect for for arranger keyboard players. However, that multitude of songs in each book sometimes makes it difficult to remember in which book a particular song can be found. In addition, once you have a number of books, you might want to discriminate on your next purchase. A "new" book with, say 200 songs, it not so valuable if you already have 180 of those songs in other books! To help with this, I created an Excel database of the song titles from 17 popular fake books. This database serves as the foundation for a number of useful reports. It easily shows which "song titles" are most common in that they appear in many, many books. If you are looking for a particular song, it makes it easy to find out where it is. At any rate, if anyone is interested in this compendium of over 7000 songs (5400 unique), I have uploaded the file to the PSR-Styles Group (look in the JoeW folder).

In my actual working DB, I also have all my organ books and some piano books. I created a report that shows all the unique titles and the book(s)they are in. This list, printed in 3 columns over 24 pages, is a terrific time saver when I am trying to find a song SOMEWHERE in my library. It also tells me immediately if I DON'T have a song. Recently, I was amazed to discover that in all my fake books, organ books, piano books, and songs in magazines, there was no where to be found WHITE CHRISTMAS!!!! Incredible! (Happily, my wife surprised me yesterday by bringing home the sheet music). At any rate, if any is interested, the file is available as indicated above. Perhaps others may find it useful.

[This message has been edited by Joe Waters (edited 12-02-2001).]
Posted by: Scottyee

Re: Fake Book DB - 12/02/01 01:39 PM

WOW, you are truly a Prince! I just happen to own all those same fakebooks too. This will really come in HANDY, especially for those obscure songs I can't seem to keep in my head. Thanks for your wonderful generosity.

BTW, the PSR2000 style tempo listing is great too.
Posted by: Bob Hendershot

Re: Fake Book DB - 12/02/01 05:31 PM

Thanks Joe, It took me a while to figure out how to become a Yahoo Yamahican to get at your files but finally did it OK. I will be looking at your files ASAP. I do my own fake sheets with Lime notation software and have over 400 songs in Lime notation format. I have a Christmas fake book that I have done with over 50 songs also. I take songs from various fake books and convert them to Lime format (it takes about 15 minutes for each song) and make my own loose leaf book for playing. Your reference file will be very helpful.