How many multi-instrument players here?

Posted by: Diki

How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/01/07 02:38 PM

Just a bit curious as to how many players here at SZ also play other instruments..... Guitar, sax, harmonica, kazoo, it doesn't matter what.

"Fess up, and let us know what else you play.....
Posted by: squeak_D

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/01/07 02:46 PM

I play several. Piano/Keyboard, Guitar (acoustic/electric/bass), and drums. I can play a little sax, trumpet, flute, and clarinet.

I'm lucky because I have 7 brothers and sisters (I'm one of 8 kids). All of my siblings at one time took instruments lessons. They quickly got bored and rather than get rid of the intrument it was just given to me Had a nice collection. Could never get the hang of violin though, although it is one of my favorite instruments.

Posted by: ianmcnll

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/01/07 03:28 PM

Besides Piano/Hammond/synths/arranger, I also play acoustic and electric guitars, bass guitar, drums, harmonica, tin whistle, violin, and accordion (button and piano).


Common misconception...size and weight equal quality and performance. Don't be fooled.
Posted by: Eric, B

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/01/07 03:35 PM

Keyboard, accustic/electric guitar, harmonica, flute.

Posted by: Taike

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/01/07 06:23 PM

Organ/Keyboard...Recorder...Native American Flute...Xia Flute Chinese Flute)...Dizi Flute (Chinese Flute)...bit of Accordion

(Squeak, I'm also one of 8 children. I have 5 older brothers, 1 younger brother and 1 sister who's the youngest of the pack.)

[This message has been edited by Taike (edited 04-01-2007).]
Posted by: DonM

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/01/07 11:11 PM

Mostly arranger keyboard now. Previously I was a very good trumpet player, fair guitar player, proficient on bass guitar, and adequate but not great drummer.
Posted by: sunster

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 01:34 AM

Hi all,

I started playing the Tabla (Indian drums) at the age of 4. Still playing it after 25 years. Learnt guitar in scholl for abt 3 years. Started playing the harmonium at 12 alongwith indian classical vocal training. Bought a Casio keyboard at the age of 13. That was the first. Then came a PSR-520....then a PSR-740...then a PSR-2100 and now its a Korg PA-1X. Wow, its been fun all along.

Posted by: spalding

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 03:08 AM

i play the keys, drums guitar and flute
Posted by: RobertG

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 03:34 AM

Main instrument is Piano.

Secondary instruments are:
Posted by: adimatis

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 04:51 AM

Posted by: mikeathome1

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 05:01 AM

Trumpet and Tuba in school. Guitar, bass (Electric and standup) and vocals in local bands for 35 years. Brief stint as a drummer.
Posted by: squeak_D

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 05:18 AM

This is why so many other musicians hate us keyboard players. We freakin play everything along with our keyboards

Posted by: Dnj

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 05:38 AM

Piano, Arranger/Synth Keyboards, Accordion,
Drums, Percussion (Timbalis, Conga, etc) Guitar, Bass, Harmonica, Alto Sax, Vocals.
Posted by: tony mads usa

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 06:15 AM

... I really hate you multi talented guys !!! ... aside from my kb and voice the only other things I can play are the stereo and the TV !!!
Posted by: zuki

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 06:22 AM

Arranger Keyboard
Posted by: captain Russ

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 07:27 AM

Guitar (specialize in multiple neck and nylon string), stand-up and electric bass, piano, B-3, other keys, mandolin, violin, vibes, tenor banjo,drums and percussion.

Posted by: korg4god

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 07:56 AM

My degree is in voice, but everyone in the ministry circles really know my keayboard playing first, been playing since I was 4. I also play a pretty decent trumpet (G above high C) and french horn. IN the last 15 years I've been trying to push more singing and so now a lot of people know me as a vocalist and keyboard player... just picked up trumpet about 6 months ago and quickly got that back after 20 years away... !

Posted by: tony mads usa

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 08:08 AM


Posted by: travlin'easy

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 09:52 AM

Keys, 6-string guitar, 12-string guitar, bass, harmonica, mandolin, vocals.


Travlin' Easy
Posted by: Fran Carango

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 12:00 PM

I grew up playing accordion[I was very good}, organ[Had to switch since I sold Hammond] and Piano...Thankfully I got into electronic has made life easier..

I can also fool young kids into thinking I can play guitar, drums and harmonica....but I can't fool myself..
Posted by: Diki

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 02:28 PM

I majored on trombone, but piano was my first love (and remains it). I play accordion, guitar and bass, and big valved brass (tuba, euphonium, baritone, etc.).

You may have an idea of why I started this thread - but I am pleased to see so many post here, and show that arranger isn't our one and only instrument. It just goes to show what a talented bunch hang out here and post.

I guess my main point is, doesn't it burn your butt that ONE simple addition to your arranger's features would allow you to play your 'other' instruments WITH your arranger? Many of you confess that perhaps the arranger is not even your 'main' instrument (or at least, favorite). But, short of one handed instruments like trumpet, you are ALL completely prevented from playing with your arranger. UNLESS.... you use SMFs, and completely lose the advantages that 'free' playing and spontaneity (which is why you are playing arrangers in the first place rather than workstations) give you.

Of course, I'm talking about the Chord Sequencer (again!)... And just trying to point out one MORE good reason why it is SO essential to an arranger's features. Forget bending notes (maybe some of you don't do it that much), forget playing two-fistedly (maybe you aren't that much into piano), but here is a list of some of our most devoted arranger users (and I am confident it is nowhere near all the 'doublers' on SZ) who, for lack of making enough noise to the manufacturers, are forced to give up playing their 'other' instruments, or give up using arrangers (at least arranger 'mode').

So have a re-think about whether you consider the Chord Sequencer (and I'm talking the interactive, Roland implementation, NOT pre-entered chords) such a useless feature. Wouldn't SOME of you like to get back to playing your 'other' instruments in your shows, wow the audience just a little bit MORE, and increase your value as entertainers to the venues you play?

All without using SMFs.... I know I sure would.

Any thoughts?
Posted by: freddynl

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 02:51 PM

Piano-Keyboard-Synths-Tenorsax-Clarinet-Guitar(any style)- bass - banjo - mandolin- L'oud - Women
Posted by: Diki

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 03:06 PM

I love playing loud women, too!
Posted by: Uncle Dave

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 03:14 PM

Piano, bass, guitar, drums, vocals, clarinet, sax, flute.
I can get sounds out of all the brass instruments too, and I know the fingerings, but I'd never profess to be a brass player.
I majored in woodwinds at Temple, but let them take a back seat to my rhythm instruments for over 20 years ... now, since I started teaching the kids - I've ressurected all my horns, and the chops are coming back ! (slowly).
Posted by: freddynl

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 03:20 PM

Originally posted by Diki:
I love playing loud women, too!

By the way a L'oud is an arabic lute
Posted by: Nigel

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 06:52 PM

Keyboards, guitar and bass.
Posted by: Diki

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 07:40 PM

LOL.... yes I know the oud. Just thought it looked funny.

But still no comment about whether any 'doubler' could use a nice Chord Sequencer....
Posted by: Diki

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/02/07 08:03 PM

And just in case ANYONE doesn't know how the old Roland chord sequencer worked, here's a quick breakdown.....

You play the intro to a tune and then, in the bar before the 'head' or verse you hit 'Record'. At the end of the head, or chorus (or anywhere, really!) you hit 'Play'.

Now the Chord Sequencer takes over playing the chords that you just played (not some pre-entered ones, so you can re-harmonize or adapt it if you want to) but you are still in control of the fills and variations (if you wish). At ANY time, you can over-ride the CS, put it in pause and play a bridge or vamp (or the vamp can be what you CS) and then return to the 'head' played by the CS.

So, easy, INTERACTIVE, and hands free (with a multi-pedal to trigger fills and variations, break/fills, etc.). Just about ideal for anyone who wanted to, say, pick up his guitar and jam along to a solo section, or blow some cool sax over the head of a jazz standard, or play l'oud to the whirling dervishes, or whatever your fancy makes you play.

I still cannot figure out why arrangers have samplers, and mp3 playback, and vocal harmonizers, but NOT this most useful of functions. It is what I mean when I say that arrangers are being loaded up with workstation 'features', at the cost of purely 'arranger' features. What proportion of arranger users use the built-in samplers much.....?

Probably a FAR smaller percentage than would use a CS so they could get back on their 'secondary' instruments....

Anyway, 'rant off'.... But the only way any of us are ever going to be able to use a chord sequencer is either buy an old Roland, or start talking to the reps, and manufacturers, the dealers and distributors. Don't let your talent be shackled by a marketing decision. Tell YOUR manufacturers "I want my Chord Sequencer'....... Pretty please!
Posted by: F161

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/03/07 09:10 AM

Learnt to play the organ at the tender age of 7 with help from my Dad. Moved onto professional piano lessons at age 11. Took up drums and percussion at high school and played these and keyboard/piano in the school band. I won the under 16's UK Yamaha Electone Festival in 1987 (playing a HS-8) - my only claim to fame (....if you can call it that!). I can also play guitar - but nowhere near as well as I would like.

These days I just play keyboards - mainly for personal pleasure and to entertain friends, family and guests.

I also write my own material (music and lyrics) and sing as well (although my forte in the singing department is mainly ballads, pop and rock).
Posted by: zuki

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/03/07 10:31 AM

Actually I play 100's of instruments and they all sound damn good.

Posted by: Diki

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/03/07 10:57 AM

Nice, zuki.... especially in light of your earlier post where you state you only play keyboards.

So I presume you are stating that calling up a sax patch makes you a sax player? On this thread, that might be a controversial claim.....
Posted by: zuki

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/03/07 12:50 PM

Ahhh Diki - you figured it out
Posted by: Diki

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/11/07 02:49 PM

I left this drop off for a while, but one last chance....

OK, so you don't care for the Chord Sequencer (or seem to be unaware that your collective opinions MIGHT influence a manufacturer to incorporate this feature). So tell me.... How DO you manage to play your 'double' with your arranger?

Maybe someone can give me a tip I hadn't thought of to combine my arranger with my trombone....?
Posted by: Uncle Dave

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/11/07 04:34 PM

Record the background using the styles of your choice, and play it back as an MP3 while you add the vocal, trombone, whatever line to it.
It's a novelty - so the crowd will eat it up no matter if it IS the same background everytime you play it. Vary the lead part - that'll keep it fresh.

Personally, I LOVE getting out in front of the KB once in a while to do some "front work". Now that my sax chops are coming back ( that's RIGHT, Boo !!!! )
I'll be doing LOTS of cool Harlem Nocturne, La Vie En Rose, Yakkaty Sax, and any Earl Bostic arrangement I can figure out !

I'm excited !
Posted by: Diki

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/11/07 07:11 PM

I've been playing my trombone to SMF's for decades (mp3, SMF, same difference).....

But I haven't been able to play it with Arranger mode since the loss of the CS. Anyone else?

You see, as rabid defenders as this forum gets for using arrangers, and NOT mp3s or SMFs to entertain a crowd, I can't believe how willing you all are to just roll over and let the manufacturer dictate to you that you MUST use SMFs or MP3s to back your secondary instrument. Even when there is a perfectly simple way to keep using Arranger Mode.

Where are all the 'it's arranger mode or it's cheating' guys NOW...?
Posted by: doc-z

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/12/07 05:49 AM

I play anything with keys
guitars (acoustic, electric, bass, banjo, you name it...)
A couple of flutes
and I play a real mean kazoo!!

Posted by: ChuckHall

Re: How many multi-instrument players here? - 04/12/07 07:05 AM

I've played guitar for quite a while including a little classical but I've been concentrating on learning to play arranger keyboard for the last couple of years and I love it. Funny, now I go back to play guitar and I've lost my guitar finger calluses and my fingers hurt. My nylon stringed is about the only thing I can play without cutting into my fingers too much.