Do you use your transpose button?

Posted by: rhumba

Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 08:33 AM

How useful is the transpose button on your arranger? I am sure you encounter situations when you know your song very well and which key you like to play in, then all of a sudden, your special guest decided to sing in a different key - so what do you do? Hit the transpose button or play in the correct key?

With my PA80, it's right there. But with my new, second board, I have to hit three buttons and 2 pages (screen) back before I can transpose! And it's a Yamaha!

Posted by: squeak_D

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 08:47 AM

I strongly rely on my transpose button. I can play my butt off, but I'm one of those self taught players.. I can't read music so trying to figure out differnt key sigs is like pulling teeth. One of these days I may learn to read music, but everytime I try I just lose interest.. I wonder why that is. Can't seem to get myself focused on learning that. I'll get a ways into the lesson and all I want to do is just play the keys.. That's why I had to drop lessons when I was a kid.. I never like to play music the way it was written... My teacher hated me for that.. I'd always change something.

Posted by: trtjazz

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 09:01 AM

I find transposition quite useful to vary a tune, somewhere in the middle, then go back to the original key, makes quite a nice variety in a piece if not over used.
jam on,
Posted by: SBPC

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 09:20 AM

I generally have my transpose on most of the time. I've found that many of the voices on my keyboard (a now archaic Ketron MS60) sound richer and more mellow when transposed down a couple of half tones or more.

When at times I play with a trio, the guy who usually books those gigs and who plays trumpet with us has us all use "C Concert" fake books. So I make my keyboard a B flat instrument, like the trumpet and the sax, so we all read off he same music and all play in the same key. (The horn players don't use B flat books in this case). The tenor sax player doesn't like that too much, because it is not the best sounding range for the sax, but the trumpet guy finds he doesn't have to hit those real high notes, which are a challenge for him.

When I'm playing solo and doing some vocals, I find most of the tunes are written in keys that are a bit too high for my voice. I've found that transposing down 4 half tones suits my vocal range much better, so that's what I generally do.
Paul C.
Posted by: sk880user

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 10:54 AM


I try my best not to use the transpose button and play the C# minor scale as is.
Posted by: tony mads usa

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 11:00 AM

..... I use the transposer button (on a kn6000) quite a bit..... for midis not originally done in my vocal key, for guest singers who don't sing in the key I play the tune in (I really admire those of you who can play a tune in 'any' key ... if I'm doing a tune with a 'guest vocalist' I want to concentrate on what they are doing, and not on the transposition of the tune), AND for myself on those really busy weekends, and nights when the voice isn't quite where it should be ... just drop the key down a notch and everything's fine ...
Posted by: btweengigs

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 11:07 AM

Like you, I am self taught. Even got kicked out of piano lessons as a kid...just couldn't relate to the stuff the teacher wanted me to learn.

On top of that, I think I am "keyboard dyslexic" in that I could never tell one white note from play everything in black keys, mostly F#. It was a real hassle when I started trying to figure this stuff out.

C, for instance is +or-6 from F#. Bb up 4 half steps, etc. But once I got all the steps from F# memorized it was a piece of cake.

Seems like every singer, horn or guitar player I work with has different keys. The transpose is must. Couldn't play without it. Thank God for buttons... like transpose, registrations and freeze.
Posted by: Tom Cavanaugh

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 11:28 AM

I have a trio that includes a trumpet, guitar/trombone or tenor sax and me. I set my x1 to turn on 1 whole step down. That way both the trumpet and sax player can play out of the same fake books that I used when I learned the song. Once I learn a song I don't need the music anymore.

I also use the transposer to put songs into my vocal range. 1 whole step down works for me for a lot of songs. If I do a Beatles tune I usually dial it down 2 whole steps. I play "Yesterday" in F but sing it in D.

The transposer is a great invention!

Posted by: danb

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 11:34 AM

Use it! But don't forget to bring it back to a standard key. You might forget it if you fall in love with the song and the female singer. It happened to me. I was using two keyboards I transposed the bottom one but not the top one because I wil not use the top one for that particular song. When you do the second song, ouch!! figure it out how it sounds. Then you have to hurry going to the keyboard menu to transpose it back to a regular key.
Posted by: rolandfan

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 11:57 AM

Well EMj is my favourite level to play songs at...and yes I can only achieve this with transpose as I only know the C F G chords and AMin, DMin, Emin..

Its just sooo hard to play chords...C F G is sooo easy.. Also, its easy to place your fingers in C F G than say an E chord..
Posted by: svpworld

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 12:17 PM

I have to admit that I make a LOT of use of my tranpose button! Actually although I played all the chords of "My Sweet Lord" (see recent tyros upload mp3) without transposition, I didn't have the patience to figure out the melody (especially as it changes key twice going up in 2 semitone steps!). So.. I transposed 4 semitones up and played the first bit in C (I set the tyros so that I only transposed the melody I was playing and not the song which I had already recorded the chords). Then.. and here's where I cheated! When it got to the first key change, I tranposed up another 2 semitones and again during the second key change... I don't think anyone spotted it, but it saved me a lot of time recording it!


Simon G.K. Williams
Creative Music & Multimedia
Posted by: Starkeeper

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 12:33 PM

Yes I use the transpose button. I'm trying to teach myself accompaniment and I have to play the same song in 6 differnet keys, but I can only sing in F. The transpose is great.
Posted by: rhumba

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 01:02 PM

Now that I got EVERYONE to believe in the transpose button. I hope some of the Yamaha folks are reading this also. Are they?

I purchased a Yamaha S90 to go along with my PA80. It's one of the greatest KB I have (KB, not arranger!) How do I get to the transpose button on the S90? I can't - there isn't a transpose button!!! And no, I'm not kidding! To transpose, you have to hit the "Utility" button, which bring up a, well, utility screen, then F1 to take to another screen, then SF2 to bring you to the KB transpose scren, turn a dial (or hit the DEC" button) to transpose by half steps. When you're on the transpose screen, there's nothing else but transposed information. And so, to play, I need to get back to the main screen. Then what? Oh yes, I need to get back to the transpose screen to reset the transposed key... and yes, we have to do this while our left hand is busy keeping the PA80 playing! GRRRRRRRR!!!

Posted by: Bluezplayer

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 01:25 PM

There is no transpose button on the Motif either. I have to go to the utility menu if I want to transpose the keys. I don't use it very often so it doesn't really bother me, but still I wonder why they didn't include an accesible transposition button.

Posted by: KN_Fan

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 02:16 PM

Can't live without them.

On my KN6k, it's right there almost in the center of the keyboard (the transpose buttons).

On my newly bought Triton Studio, I have to go to the "global" setting then edit the key from there.

Yes, I'm also one of those (like Squeak) who can play my butt off, but when I don't play in my favorite key (which is C of course), I can still pretty much play, with the condition that the audience will need to prepare for a discounted quality.

There was one time, I was playing in church accompanying a group of three singers, ONLY using the church' acoustic piano (I think I did that for a few weeks) least I could play (somewhat) in F, G, A..I think that's about it (perhaps B flat also).
Posted by: Roel

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 02:39 PM

Yep ! Me to use a lot transposer
Works very quick on my SD1 with two (multifunction) dedicated buttons.

Posted by: svpworld

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 04:25 PM

So does this reinforce the fact that manufacturers regard "synths" and "workstations" for the professional market, players who can play in any key without the need for a transpose button? Perhaps they regard arranger players as requiring a transpose button because we can't always play in awkward keys?
Maybe the arranger keyboard, given its nature puts more emphasis on the transpose buttons because of its appeal to "karaoke" type performances or to make white note players sound better?

An interesting point...


Simon G.K. Williams
Creative Music & Multimedia
Posted by: Luis.Santos

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 04:29 PM

I have a Roland XV-88, it's a professional Synth, and it also has the transpose button...
Posted by: Gord

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 04:49 PM

I use 'sharp eye' to scan music, then 'Music ease' to 'set up' & print the music in a key thats right for me. If its early in the morning - or I've got a bit of a cold, I find that 'transpose button' on my SD1 is a great tool. I also use it to 'find' a comfortable key when I'm looking at a new song.
Posted by: DonM

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/12/02 06:27 PM

I can play in most all keys, but some are easier than others. Also certain "licks" as needed to emulate guitars, pianos or other instruments are much easier in some keys than others.
Posted by: s330synth

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/13/02 04:19 AM

The transposer button is not just for people who can only play in C, F or G. Certain keyboard styles and riffs such as Jazz close harmony, or blues / rock lend themselves to certain key configurations. Some of the solos and techniques you use may get pretty complicated, and so if a singer wants to do the number in a different key, the transpose button is a god send.

Posted by: KFingers

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/13/02 06:11 AM

Rhumba - Another approach is to use a master keyboard and modules that way you can "save" different keys (transpositions) into various programs. you also get the added benefit of whatever length of keyboard you prefer and whether it's weighted or not. It is also much easier and quicker to layer, mute and zone sounds from all your instruments.

It works great for me as I gig with an MS40 (will be the XD3 when I have mastered it), an EMU B3 Tonewheel organ module and a Roland JV1080. When you set up each program you can set a values for transposition (I set up several programs with different transposition values - make sure all the zones have the same value though). I can also change my registrations and sounds from the master keyboard as well and use just one sustain pedal/pitchbend/mod wheel.

It's not for everyone as I need seperate amplification but this modular approach allows me to take only what is required for whichever gig I am doing but gives (me) most flexibility.

The only thing it can't do is to play in the "cracks" which is where most of my guest singers aim for

Posted by: Pilot

Re: Do you use your transpose button? - 11/14/02 04:44 PM

Unlike most people I don't much like playing in C, F or G so I transpose at sight or from memory up a semitone into Db, Gb or Ab and hit the transpose button to go down a semitone. I'm in good company here. My music copy of "Indiana" is in G but on my Louis Armstrong LP they jack it up to Ab (which makes sense considering the instruments).