?? about posting music

Posted by: Leon

?? about posting music - 02/20/04 08:19 PM

Greetings Zonies..
I having a web page put together...hey I'm a musician, not a web master. Anyway...If I were to post some music on my site, what should it be? I've got a small business, on the side, where I put together the background music for client's demos, and assist them with instrumentation & vocals when they ask. Obviously I also do a great deal of my own music, but it's basically for my own creative enrichment. I'm past the going on the road & promoting it stage, nor am I living under any false aspirations of setting the music industry on it's ear. I do my music for my own enjoyment, and the recording bizz on the size just keeps the gray matter from going moldy.
So..Ideas...as to what to post, covers or originals, or is anyone really interested? Just wunderin'..
Posted by: trtjazz

Re: ?? about posting music - 02/21/04 03:41 AM

Going with what you have said, I say post what makes your socks roll up and down. For bluezplayer, beachbum and me it's originals, for everyone else here it's covers.

jam on,
Terry http://imjazzed.homestead.com/Index.html
Posted by: Leon

Re: ?? about posting music - 02/21/04 11:08 AM

Thanx for the feedback Terry. Maybe I'll do a mix of my stuff & covers. Thanx again.