Choosing registrations on Tyros.

Posted by: royandreno

Choosing registrations on Tyros. - 09/12/02 12:46 PM

Hi, all!
I scanned through the Tyros manual, and my question is this (Simon allready touched on this) : On my 9000, I call up a registration swiftly by entering the three digits and enter. Do I understand it correctly that when you want to call up a registration from the Tyros, you have to enter the registration bank, then jump to the right page, and then select numbers 1 through 8?

Tell me there is a quicker way....please.

Posted by: Dnj

Re: Choosing registrations on Tyros. - 09/12/02 12:59 PM

On my 9000, I call up a registration swiftly by entering the three digits and enter.

Please explain this procedure?

Posted by: royandreno

Re: Choosing registrations on Tyros. - 09/12/02 01:24 PM

Hello Dnj!
I plug in a keyboard (for data!), and use the number pad. By hitting any key (not number) 3 times, you enter the registration number selection. Here you enter two digits for bank folder, then a number 1-8 for the specific registration, following enter. This brings you straight to your registration and is fast and easy.
However, on the Tyros there is no PS/2 port.
