Arrangements for the Hoilday ---

Posted by: DanO1

Arrangements for the Hoilday --- - 12/09/06 08:35 AM

Curios about Holiday arrangements

My church purchased a T2 wednesday and I'm having a good time with it. I'm playing Hark the Herald Angels Sing tomorrow and have been working with different styles and multipads...
One thing I like about the T2 is there are plenty of 8 beats,16 beats and ballads for praise and worship music.

I was working with the Sci Fi style and using christmas pads and the shaker tamborine pads for the multipads .. Very Fun .. Very Dramatic ....

Regardless of any brand, does anyone want to share other ideas for Christmas music ? Different styles-voices/sounds/multipads etc ... ?
Dan O

Any other xmas ideas
Posted by: DonM

Re: Arrangements for the Hoilday --- - 12/09/06 09:24 AM

I'm sending you a bunch of stuff. Have fun.