Best midi controller for OMB

Posted by: LindaFus

Best midi controller for OMB - 08/16/07 05:36 AM

Anyone have suggestions for a good midi controller for OMB?

I was looking at:
Axiom 61
edoril PCR800

Can these be setup with styles and intros and fillins ect with the assign buttons etc?

Would like to use it with my PC and the OMB software. Anyone?

Posted by: Fran Carango

Re: Best midi controller for OMB - 08/16/07 08:45 AM

Lin, I bought a Axiom61 about a month or 2 ago..I thought it was the best all around controller, including USB powered..It has many settings and controls..The key feel was the best that I tried..and full size keys..It also has after-touch..
4 zones is also another plus..

I decided to sell it because I was use to 76 keys and 61 just wasn't working for me...

Another negative for me..I had a lot of problems trying to load the Native Instruments preset for draw-bars...I use the original B4, and maybe it was designed[B4 preset] for version2..Although I don't think so..
Posted by: mikeathome1

Re: Best midi controller for OMB - 08/16/07 08:50 AM

I just bought the Edirol pcr M 80
and I set it up for one man band it works nice, and with the editor included it was real easy to set the buttons. I set it up the first night I got it. It cost 199 dollars.
Now I just use it at home, usb with a laptop but I could have used more buttons and less sliders and knobs. But I'm very pleased the OMB software has a great synth with no latency issues at all.
I can start stop do fills almost everything and the keys feel good more like a keyboard than a toy.
I've tried other controllers before and they just didn't feel musical.
By the way I never got the hang of software synths (didn't want to invest the time) So for me this was a real easy cheap solution while I was waiting for the s900. But right now, probably because it's summer, I'm satisfied and have put off the s900 purchase.
When I saw Fran first talk about going the controller route I figured I'd give it a try also, knowing I could ask him for help.
But my needs are simple compared to the pros.
I picked this one probably for price more than features like I said I could have used more buttons and less knobs.

[This message has been edited by mikeathome1 (edited 08-17-2007).]
Posted by: LindaFus

Re: Best midi controller for OMB - 08/17/07 05:53 AM

Thanks guys, I will consider both of them. I would like to play an arranger at my desk sometimes and thought this might be a good way.

Posted by: DonM

Re: Best midi controller for OMB - 08/17/07 03:29 PM

Linda, I used the PCR800 with the Midjay. It is quite an improvement over the 80. More controls.
Posted by: LindaFus

Re: Best midi controller for OMB - 08/19/07 06:17 AM

Thanks Don,

I went to Guitarcenter yesterday and looked at them all. I ended up with something totally different! I ended up walking out with a Yamaha PSR E403 $179! It fit the bill for what I needed it for. Small light sits on my desk nicely and most of all it works with OMB and has a nice sound engine in it with some cool and sweet voices. I was impressed as to how much you get in that board for $179. No midi in/out but I do not need that. Just as long as the USB port talks to my PC midi programs and IT DOES!

I have the YPG-625 in another room. Its wonderful but not easy to hook to my PC. So this little guy is a waterdowned version of the 625 and I can play it anywhere!

I LOVE the appreggio! and effects knobs!

Posted by: mikeathome1

Re: Best midi controller for OMB - 08/19/07 10:20 AM

I too was tempted by the 403. Let me know how you like it.
Posted by: LindaFus

Re: Best midi controller for OMB - 08/20/07 01:12 PM


Been playing with the E403. I really like it. For the money I paid, it is truely a remarkable board. Great styles and over 500 sounds has appreggio and effects knobs it has an awful lot for under $200. I have yet to find anything bad to say about it. Of course, if you perform live (I do not) you no doubt would not use this board but I can see it being used as a backup for sure!

Love it and would recommend it to anyone who needs a portable good sounding board. I would buy it again. It gets a thumbs up from me for sure. I am a bit surprised at the price. Some of what is in this board I recall hearing from my now long gone PSR2000!

Posted by: mikeathome1

Re: Best midi controller for OMB - 08/20/07 01:44 PM

I also had a psr 2000 I was fond of. I just found a long lost recording from the 2000 and it still sounds good.
Posted by: rikkisbears

Re: Best midi controller for OMB - 08/20/07 06:17 PM

Hi Linda,
how are you managing with 32 note polyphony??
Do you have any dropouts on larger styles that you may use in omb.

best wishes

[QUOTE]Originally posted by LindaFus:
Posted by: LindaFus

Re: Best midi controller for OMB - 08/21/07 02:55 AM

Hi Rikki!

You know? 32 Polyphony has never been an issue with me at on the yamaha YPG-625. No drops that I can detect on the E403 so far. I have been playing with the onboard styles and the ones on the CD it came with. They sound a bit simpler than what is on the YPG-625 (32 polyphony). Let me try an extensive one and see what happens.

I see A/B on the intro fill buttons and it does switch to 2 different into/end and fills.

I will work with styles tonight after work and give you a better idea. I will also read the manual for that function as well!

Posted by: rikkisbears

Re: Best midi controller for OMB - 08/21/07 03:46 PM

Hi Linda,
main reason I asked was that I used to have a dgx305 ( 32 note polyphony) that I used with OMB. I preffered the flexibilty of OMB
software ie the 4 variations 3 intro's/endings etc it allowed me to use a greater range of psr styles available on the net. Plus, in the DGX I could only load 1 user style at a time.
Some newer psr styles were too heavily orchestrated ( ie used up too much polyphony), I used to try & remove the odd track to try & cut down on the polyphony.
OMB's got some great editing functions if you need to edit user styles.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by LindaFus:
[B]Hi Rikki!
Posted by: LindaFus

Re: Best midi controller for OMB - 08/22/07 07:08 AM


Yes, the E403 only allows you to load 1 new style at a time and I believe I read you need to cut that down a bit as it has a file size limitation.

This board will work fine for me for the computer side for now.
