9 year old pitcher banned from pitching, and said to be TOO good!

Posted by: squeak_D

9 year old pitcher banned from pitching, and said to be TOO good! - 08/28/08 05:27 AM

You guys see that story about the 9 year old boy who was banned from pitching in his ball games? This little tyke has an amazing fast ball for his age! What kind of message is being sent here... Be the best you can, but don't be too good or you can't play... Personally I think him being banned also has to do with him turning down an offer to play for that other team.

Check out this snippet:

Jericho's coach and parents say the boy is being unfairly targeted because he turned down an invitation to join the defending league champion, which is sponsored by an employer of one of the league's administrators.

Looks like they're pissed because they didn't get him, and now that they have to play against him...., he's suddenly getting banned. This poor little kid must be confused right now. Doing so well, and now being punished for it. Are we now to start banning young players because they're too good. I hope this kids parents sue the crap out of the league.

[This message has been edited by squeak_D (edited 08-28-2008).]
Posted by: Mainer

Re: 9 year old pitcher banned from pitching, and said to be TOO good! - 08/28/08 09:08 AM


If we could get the parents out of Kids sports everyone would be better off. Society is so competitive today that I think these kids really don't get a chance to play per se. Its work and be the best. The best sport times I ever had were out in the spare lot with no parents around. We knew how to play & actually had fun at it.

Just my not so humble opinion LOL
