Thank good ness for arranger keyboards

Posted by: Jerryghr

Thank good ness for arranger keyboards - 01/20/08 06:17 AM

Posted by: tony mads usa

Re: Thank good ness for arranger keyboards - 01/20/08 08:02 AM

... he could at least use organ bass pedals ...
Posted by: captain Russ

Re: Thank good ness for arranger keyboards - 01/21/08 01:10 PM

I had a job for several years (5, actually), where I played a Carvin double with guitar and bass necks. I had a bass drum, high hat and bass pedals. I played drums and bass with my partner, a guitar "picker and grinner". When it came time to solo on guitar, I switched to bass pedals. Luckily, he was a great entertainer, but not much of a musician, so the changes were pretty simple. Tried to switrch to an early Auto Orchestra, but his timing was so bad, he got really fowled up.

Fun days (I think...I was still "young and wild")!

Posted by: trident

Re: Thank good ness for arranger keyboards - 01/25/08 07:07 AM

Though the things this man does are remarkable, the thought that finally filled my mind is letting a kitten there and watching it trying to catch his left toe!