panel memories; click start (count intro)

Posted by: laingjam

panel memories; click start (count intro) - 08/28/02 12:43 PM

A couple of smaller, perhaps more obscure questions about features in the KN-7000, since no brochure is available:

1) Does it still store 104 Panel Memories per file, i.e. A, B, C and 1-10, times 8 each? I hope they have expanded to more for each load from disk or SD ... even though it loads fast, I'd like to have say 500 Panel Memories (registrations) at my disposal for instant recall

2) Have they enhanced the click "Count Intro" at all? I have been asking for a couple of things: the ability to alter its volume independently, and the ability to choose any drum sound for the click. I use the click (count intro) to get my band started, and it's so quiet and meek that I usually have to yell out " One, Two, Three Four" too!

3) What exactly are the extra "Outputs" for? I know one is for a subwoofer. Are other outs assignable, i.e. bass only, drums only, drawbars only?

Thanks for any answers!
Posted by: technicsplayer

Re: panel memories; click start (count intro) - 08/28/02 01:45 PM

1) the same, but the difference will be the SD card which can load a set of just panel memories in less than a second.

2) the way around this would be to create your own count or drum intro in a composer intro which can be at max volume, max velocity etc, but then you would have to load composers for your styles rather than use the presets, I suppose. Use a single composer intro and switch to a panel memory with the preset style just as the 1st chord starts? Use the mic if you start yourself?

3) the extra outputs are fully assignable for send /return or monitor purposes. All 24 parts can be assigned in mono or various combinations of parts in stereo. It is not a subwoofer output, that was an incorrect rumour from bad info at Frankfurt.
Posted by: laingjam

Re: panel memories; click start (count intro) - 08/30/02 07:35 AM

Thanks for the answers. Guess for now I'll stick with my "easy" solution to the lack of volume on the "count intro" - count it out load to the band.

I'm so glad the extra outputs are assignable! Do I have to assign them in each preset (panel memory), or set it once globally? I thought one photo showed the word "SUB OUT" on a jack on the back - maybe "SUB" meant "submix" rather than "subwoofer"!?

fyi, I use only floppies in the KN-6000, and always save "Panel Memories Only", which gives me a file I can load from floppy in about 1-2 seconds (not including the "human time" of me pressing DISK, LOAD and selecting which file I want). I currently have about 10 of these files, each with 104 registrations that are "starting points" for various songs. Guess the SD would load a bit quicker but not dramatically, in my specific instance.

Thanks again,