Sound and Rhythm - Arranger on

Posted by: dpeisic

Sound and Rhythm - Arranger on - 01/03/05 09:30 AM

Dear all,

Happy new year to all!

Question about the rhythm and sound mode.

Is it possible to assign different sound in different variations in the sound and rhytem mode, or these are permanently assigned by the Technics factory, and can not be changed?

Thanks for taking the time to response,

Doron Peisic
Posted by: Tom NL

Re: Sound and Rhythm - Arranger on - 01/03/05 11:19 AM


Thanks, and a very happy new year to you.

I don't know what Technics model you have, but on the KN-6000 and 7000 you can easily change all the settings of the instruments and the drumkit of a style by selecting "sound arranger-set". After you made your changes the settings will be memorized and everytime you select "sound arranger-on" it will recall your preferences on each style. Works like a charm!

Good luck!

Tom NL
Posted by: dpeisic

Re: Sound and Rhythm - Arranger on - 01/03/05 11:21 PM

Thanks Tom, and all the members for repling to me.

Tom, It make a lot of sense, Do I have to save it, or any change that I will make at the arranger setting will stay untill I change it again?

Posted by: Tom NL

Re: Sound and Rhythm - Arranger on - 01/04/05 11:07 AM

Originally posted by dpeisic:
Thanks Tom, and all the members for repling to me.

Tom, It make a lot of sense, Do I have to save it, or any change that I will make at the arranger setting will stay untill I change it again?



Still don't know what board you play, but I assume it's the KN7000! And no, the good thing is that you don't have to save anything in this case (at least not on the KN-6000). You can recall the settings you once made by selecting "sound arranger-on". It seems to save it automatically and for every style separately. Nice huh?

Tom NL
Posted by: dpeisic

Re: Sound and Rhythm - Arranger on - 01/04/05 10:31 PM

Hi Tom,

I have the kn7000? I guess the factory stack it with some sort of sounds to match the rhythm style. right? But it is great to have it configured as we would like to be as far as combination of the rhythm and sound.

another question that I have is regarding the internal sound from the keyboard. when using external speakers. I noticed after setting the keboard for external speakers, turning the keyboard off and turm it back on again after an hour, It doesn't remember the previous speaker setting and it sets itself to internal speakers. How can I keep the speakers setting stay altough turn the kn7000 off and on?

Doron Peisic
Posted by: Tom NL

Re: Sound and Rhythm - Arranger on - 01/05/05 10:16 AM

Oh boy, you got me there! I used my KN-6000 once or twice with external speakers and just put a headphones adaptor plug in the phones output to silence the internal speakers. I don't know about an option to do this, but maybe that is only on the KN-7000.

Anyone else know the answer to this one?

Tom NL