Some explanation to the new songs of John North

Posted by: cees

Some explanation to the new songs of John North - 01/18/04 12:36 AM

Hi best forummers,
some explanation to the songs of John North, recently added to his personal page on KESO.
John send me 2 beautiful songs within a musicsheet displayed on the kn7-screen, so you can play along with John. To avoid problems I advise you to unzip these songs to an empty disk, load each song into the kn7 and afterthat save to your SD.
Thank John for this great offer. Well done.
When playing his Starwars Theme, for this time it is alowed to set the volume on loud, let the neighbours enjoy too
Happy keyboarding,
Posted by: Joan

Re: Some explanation to the new songs of John North - 01/19/04 12:27 AM

Well Done John - Really enjoyed your music.

The screen music was an added bonus and the Country two step style will be put to good use by me. All will be filed with on my SD card with my other favourites.

Keep them coming - Joan

[This message has been edited by Joan (edited 01-19-2004).]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Some explanation to the new songs of John North - 01/19/04 05:43 AM

Thanks John. Your playing is great. It would be nice to see on screen lead sheets for SD sold instead of music books. Look at the space we could save. I have 4 filing cabinets filled with music books and like Bebop and others not much room in my computer/music room.

I will have to look into making SD lead sheets from my collection of music books if I can find the time. This would be a good member share item.

Fran in Florida