Ogre says SORRY!

Posted by: ogre

Ogre says SORRY! - 07/27/03 10:30 AM

Just completed a marathon session of listening to all the songs downloaded over the past 3-4 weeks including those from members' websites. Came to send "thank you" e's and couldn't find the email addresses names etc. Went to pc and found that all emails had been deleted. So sincere apologies to everyone, and please accept this as a personal thank you for your work.

Not for the first time I found the standard of all songs consistently high - in fact I was hoping for a few glitches so I wouldn't feel so bad about my own efforts.

I haven't got the time/ability/know how (and am just plain lazy) to sequence and just use the ERS myself and particularly like to hear these songs as they are in effect "live" performances but having said that I am over awed by you sequencing buffs. The stuff you produce is highly professional and if there was any justice in this world you should make a fortune.....

Thanks again every one and I'll try and be a bit more oganised in future. ( Now, where did I put that keyboard.....???)
