Midjpro how to make midifile from internal style

Posted by: Mozzer

Midjpro how to make midifile from internal style - 07/13/19 12:41 PM

Hi,i've tried using a user style to play as a midifile. I recorded a user style in the recorder section saved it but will not play as a midifile. Just plays as a style would.Can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong please?
Posted by: IMMusic_Curt

Re: Midjpro how to make midifile from internal style - 07/21/19 08:44 AM

Hi Mozzer,

I'm a million miles behind and just saw your post. Help me understand what you are trying to do, and we will try to help you out. We just recorded a few bars of a style using the recorder, and then saved as a MIDI file. Next, we opened player1 and selected the saved MIDI file, and it did playback precisely what we played.