Posted by: Ron Shelley

SD9 - 11/16/17 01:12 PM

Hi Folks

I wonder If anyone can help me,I have a new SD9 which I purchased about three weeks ago which I absolute love, However the downside seems to be living In great Britain where the back up
because It Is a very small store, cannot give the help that Is given In Europe or America (AJ).
I would like to know If any SD9 players would like to contact me and hopefully we could start helping each other out, on how to get the best out of the SD9 and get to know other SD9 players.

My Email Is as follows


Ron Shelley
Posted by: Henni

Re: SD9 - 11/16/17 09:02 PM

Hi Ron,

Please, please, please make the SD9 styles available to me. I want to convert for use on the Audya.

I have personally converted & uploaded close t0 100 000 styles for the Audya everywhere, including over here. I also converted the SD7 styles when no one else on all of the internet could.

Now I am asking someone else for a favour. It will only take 20 minutes of your time.

Kind regards,

Posted by: Ron Shelley

Re: SD9 - 11/17/17 02:15 AM

Hi Henni

If you could Email me so I Know exactly what you need
and how you want them sent I will be happy to help
as much as I can.

Kind regards

Ron Shelley.

Posted by: Henni

Re: SD9 - 11/17/17 03:49 AM

Hi Ron,

Someone offered to help me out. I'll take you up on your offer at a later stage if still required.

Thank you so much for your kindness,
