Audya and Cubase in sync

Posted by: heanchpi

Audya and Cubase in sync - 02/20/11 05:47 PM

is there anyone who can tell me how to get Audya and Cubase to run together through sync. So that Audya is master and the computer is slave or vice versa.
Henning - Denmark
Posted by: nielshs

Re: Audya and Cubase in sync - 02/21/11 06:44 AM

Hej Henning

Jeg har ingen problemer. Kan du beskrive lidt mere om hvad du har forsøgt etc.?

Hilsen Niels
Posted by: heanchpi

Re: Audya and Cubase in sync - 02/21/11 08:36 AM

If you want to record in Cubase a styles, where all tracks are split out, that you then can change what you want, it requires the recording to take place over a few times. There are too few outputs in AUDYA for you to get all tracks on separate channels. Furthermore, I also have only two inputs in my PC soundcard. Therefore, the sync is used to all recordings start exactly at the same time and at the same pace.
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Hej Niels
Også på dansk, som jeg har lidt bedre tjek på:
Hvis du i Cubase vil optage en styles, hvor alle spor er splittet ud, for at du bagefter kan ændre hvad du har lyst til, kræver det at optagelsen skal ske over nogle gange. Der er for få udgange i Audyaen til at du kan få alle spor ud på separate kanaler. Endvidere har jeg også kun to indgange i mit PC-lydkort. Derfor skal sync bruges til at alle optagelser starter nøjagtig samtidig og i samme tempo.
Bedste hilsener