Roland MKS-80 editor?

Posted by: Anonymous

Roland MKS-80 editor? - 10/26/98 08:47 PM

Hi! - While reading the MKS-80 entry in
Keyfax's Omnibus edition, it briefly mentioned that Roland made a software editor
for the MKS-80 for IBM-PC. Has anyone ever
seen this? Anyone know how I could obtain a
copy if it exists? The MKS-80 came out in
1985, so it must be DOS. Of course it's not
on Roland's website. Anyone know how I could
contact someone at Roland about this? Thanks
for any info.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Roland MKS-80 editor? - 11/06/98 12:02 PM

Really you are better off with a copy of
UniSyn or Sound diver, I remeber the old dos
program, it was shite, and it fell over all the time, the other problem it had was trying to configure midi in and out.

A real nightmare, best left in the software

Regards Chris