About JD-800 factory patch

Posted by: Anonymous

About JD-800 factory patch - 10/19/01 11:22 AM

Hi, All
Is there still someone using JD-800/JD-990 here ? I've a JD-990 & JV-1080, both are really good synth, and the JD have more "Edge" sound IMHO
I'm looking for the preset patch of JD-800, there are some different from 990's, but I can't find any on the JD web sites.....
anyone can help ?
Posted by: Stalker

Re: About JD-800 factory patch - 12/01/01 06:04 AM

What kind of Soundfiles do You want to have? Sysex or MIDI? I can send You the original sysex-file, if You want, but I've no idea how to save it as MIDI. Does the JD990 have the same sample-rom as the JD800?