Random KRZ file generator

Posted by: Anonymous

Random KRZ file generator - 02/01/99 10:03 AM

I find myself wondering of the possibility of writing a random patch generator aplication for the Kurzweil. Something that you could just press and return you with, say, a 100 different random patches for you K2x. Taking in account the powerful internal architecture of the VAST, I'm sure I'm not the only user to have thought of something like this. Anybody has any ideas?
Posted by: Kurzrep

Re: Random KRZ file generator - 02/16/99 09:51 PM

Emagic's Sound Diver does have a feature that will allow you to randomize any number of parameters within a program. It won't create more than one program at a time though.

Mike Martin
Kurzweil Music Systems
Visit the K2500 Zone
Posted by: mesmer

Re: Random KRZ file generator - 02/28/99 11:36 AM

If you use unisyn you can fill up any number of banks with random patches.