swirls,sweeps & swooshes

Posted by: sandeep dahiya

swirls,sweeps & swooshes - 03/21/00 08:52 AM

is it possible to create swirls,sweeps & swooshes which you hear on ILIO Demo Spring 99(track 8-Trancefusion)CD on K2500?
If it is possible please give me some tutorial.
Posted by: Kurzrep

Re: swirls,sweeps & swooshes - 03/21/00 10:31 AM

The K2500 is certainly capable of producing sounds like those. As an example check out program #184 Etheral Strings. There is a wonderful filter sweep assigned to the modwheel.

You can find some additional tutorials, links to other Kurzweil sites on my website listed below.

Take Care,

Mike Martin
Kurzweil Music Systems
Visit the Kurzweil Connection
and KeySolutions Sample Libraries