I need serius help with my prophecy!!!

Posted by: Anonymous

I need serius help with my prophecy!!! - 07/24/02 12:35 PM

Does anyone have a users guide or something?
It wont sync properly with cubase. Kind of plays on it own!! I tried to use the mc303 as sequenser, and then it worked??? Is there any way to reset to the factory settings? Please help me :-)
Posted by: phollop willing pa

Re: I need serius help with my prophecy!!! - 08/20/02 11:57 AM

Absolutely -

1. Go to the last right button marked global
2. press it
3. use the pages button to get to global # 19
4. It should read load single factory preset ?, scroll that with the + & - button until it reads load all factory presets ?.
5. press 'enter'
There you go - now I'm doing these instructions by memory so I may have missed something like 'memory protect on' which is also in the global section.

Also, there is a quirk with the prophecy, the arp doesn't always sync to other devices, and certainly won't if it is not on (activated).

Sometimes on ebay you can buy a manual.

I hope this helps - PA