Korg T1 music workstation

Posted by: Anonymous

Korg T1 music workstation - 01/01/99 08:30 PM

I am new to keyboards. I know someone who is selling a T1. Is this something I would want to buy? Are there inherent problems?
Posted by: kay

Re: Korg T1 music workstation - 01/11/99 08:47 AM

I'm using a T2 which is the same as the T1 but it has only 76 light keys.
Good: great display, easy sound programming, great for live performances, good masterkeyboard functions, really good reverb section.
Bad: only 16 voices, only four audio outputs, really bad filter section with no resonance parameter, too heavy to be moved by one man.
Be carefull with the T1 version: is the keyboard really in a good state? Take a look from the side, there must be absolutely no waves in the keys.
If you have more questions, send me an email.