CD Taxes...your thots

Posted by: Leon

CD Taxes...your thots - 06/21/02 09:38 AM's the situation, and I'm coming from the Canadian aspect, so I'd be interested to hear from others countries.
I'm using a stand alone CD recorder (Pioneer), and what I'm recording are either my own compositions, copyrighted, the whole bit, or demo's for other individuals, and these pieces are also originals, written by the artist or a third party.
I use Maxell (Music Only) CD's. These are not your standard computer CD's(they won't work on stand alone units). So I'm getting hit for a tax based on royalties for other artists.
So our government is assuming I'm using these CD's to record or duplicate pre-recorded material, which is not the case.
Does anyone else out there have thoughts on this, as to why we are assumed to be pirates when all we're trying to do is record our own material.
That's my cage rattler for this week.....
To all forum participants....Have a great summer!!