Posted by: analogcontrolfreak

ARP AXXE! - 06/18/13 05:55 PM

I was just sitting here, remembering that I had an old ARP AXXE synth, that I had bought off ebay, almost 15 years ago for $250.00 and sold it almost 9 years ago, and I wished I hadn't. I kicked myself for selling it. I know it wasn't much, but it was the second vintage synth I managed to buy at a decent price. Well, there were several other vintage synths I have had. A roland Juno-106, three Korg Poly-61's, a DX7IIFD and a mirage. Never really missed those, the AXXE, on the other hand, I kind of do. I know I never used it, but it was still cool to mess around with. Of course if I tried to buy one now, it would be more then $250.00.

I still have my Omni. Which I am not going to part with. I just can't get rid of it. I have tired, but something tells me not too.