Eddie, our mutual hero, Delbert McClinton, came to see me tonight. Well, o.k., he didn't come to see me, but he came to eat dinner, and HAD to see me.
He was in the main dining room, through a walkway from me, but thanks to the Bose, the sound carries very well into there. I did a couple of his songs, and he and his band got up from their meal and walked in to listen.
They said it sounded so good they had to come see the band. I think they were quite surprised to see one person.
Later on I talked with him for a few minutes and he was very gracious and down-to-earth. He is in town for the James Burton Guitar Festival this weekend. Maybe I can go Sunday, but have to work tomorrow night.
No DNJ, I didn't get a picture. It just didn't seem right to ask.