Years back I went to the Technics Synthzone forum once or twice a day. I made some great friends, learned from others, and shared my ideas and songs. Today the forum is very quiet; I would love to help change that, there are still many Kn7000 players out there.

Questions, answers, sharing ones work, and just getting to know each other. Willum’s Website offers a great deal of information; I thank him for that. And Roger, aaaaah, he is always there. (smile)

My first post on sharing.
The pads on a Kn7000 offer many ways to add to your playing. #5 and #6 allows us to make a sequence. I would like to share two that I created and use often.

A twelve blues progression. Many songs young and old use blues progressions. Kansas City – Rock Around the Clock, many others. When I press the #5 or #6 pad the sequence begins leaving my hands free to do whatever. It will continue to repeat until you press it again.

(For those who are not familiar with a Blues progression) The Blues progression is made up of three chords. They are built on the 1st, 4th, and 5th steps of a major scale: C major scale; C F G – I IV V. I like to use 7ths on the IV and V chord. C F7 G7.

Four measures of the I chord --- Two of the IV7 chord. – two measures of the I chord – One measure of the V7 chord – One of the IV chord, and Two measures of the I chord. I use a V7 chord for the last measure; it brings me back to the beginning of the progression.

I don’t know how much of this you already know; if you have more ideas please post them.
Well, it’s my first try --- I hope this idea of sharing adds to our forum.

John C (Bruno)

PS, Our posts should not be limited to the Kn7000; anything dealing with music or performing, or the equipment that you are using.