I put this poll togther based on the responses to John's thread. There are 10 choices but I limited the number you can vote on to 5 so we can get a good idea of what is most important to people. Please put in your votes.
Working on a song, what is most important to you?
%%NUMBER%% choices allowed 5 (67 total votes)
Lyrics - 1 (01%)
Melody - 11 (16%)
Style Choice - 13 (19%)
Tempo - 2 (3%)
Dynamics (Volume levels) - 5 (07%)
Vocals - 2 (3%)
Instrument Choices - 10 (15%)
Chords - 8 (12%)
Key - 3 (04%)
Feel - 12 (18%)
Voting on this poll ends: 02/26/11 12:04 AM