i realize this post occurs every 2 seconds here, but i have searched the forum with limited success. Feel free to beat me up, if you must, if that results in an informative reply..........

I want to purchase a workstation for my studio and need some help from all you people who are more familiar with them than I, from a practical point of view
From what i have read and heard i'm leaning towards a Kurzweil product, probably k2500s or k2600s, but need to hear from amyone who has experience with these. Pros and cons.
Also, your opinion on competitors, ie. Korg, Yamaha, Roland, would be appreciated. I used to be up on all of these companies when iwas in the music business, but that's been awhile.

Thanks for any help you can provide!

[This message has been edited by rhp52 (edited 10-10-2004).]

[This message has been edited by rhp52 (edited 10-10-2004).]