Hi Rico,
Many thanks for your well wishes.
It was great to see and talk with you on Skype Video the other day. I hope Rob's hand injury recovers soon too.
Chef Jorgen, hope Aase's finger is recovering as well. Please send her my best wishes.
Russ, hope you're recovering ok from your left index finger surgery too esp realizing how critical the index finger is for intricate guitar fingering\.
Nigel, Graham, and Larry,
Loved your digital bandage cast sigs. Thanks.

It's now 6 days after the operation and my doc says he's impressed with how fast I'm healing. Was able to remove the bandage cast yesterday. No more clicking, no pain, and I've got
pretty much full use of my hand, thumb & fingers again now.
All that remains is 4 stitches which will be removed this coming Friday and it looks like there'll be no (at lesast not noticeable) scaring either.
Realizing I'm a keyboard musician and how critical my hands are to my work, he took extra care during the operation to prevent nerve damage or noticeable scaring, and it already appears like he's succeeded, as even with the stitches still in, I can pretty much bend my thumb it's entire
range with very little/no discomfort. I think once the stitches are removed, I'll be as good as new again, and back to playing my full schedule within 2 weeks if not sooner.
On my doctor's approval, I played for an hour today with no clicking, pain or discomfort. Haven't felt this good playing the keyboard in nearly 6 months.
I hope me posting about my surgery will be of value to others here who might (yet hopefully not) experience the debilitation and pain of trigger finger.