I love my PA800. It is not as simple as the Yamaha system, but with all the plusses it gives me, I'll deal with the extra work to get comfy.
Things I can't do with the Yamaha:
1)sing through a pro mic input with outstanding harmony
2)mix live, seq, and mp3 effortlessly
3)trigger the harmony in real time with NO hiccups. I turn on/off alot. Yamaha has serious issues with the arranger being on or off.
4)keep the sound playing as I switch to other sounds. Yamaha cuts too many sounds off when you switch to another
5)octave of the RH does not change if I switch out of arr mode. (really dumb)
6)mutipads, songbook - no contest
7)keybed is so much better. tighter. firmer.
Things I miss on the Yamaha:
1)simpler styles
2)fillin/var buttons are the same
3)easier mixer section
These days, I play more all live with no auto styles, and in this scenario, I'd much rather play the 800 than any Yamaha arranger. The keys feel better, the sounds work better for me, and the general look and layout of the board is more reminisant of when I started playing keys long ago.
Roland keys are too long, Yamaha is too short, Korg is JUUUUUST right !
( Sound like Goldilocks, huh? )

Yamaha makes a terrific product, and if they ever put the arrangers inside a better feeling keyboard, I may go back, but for mow - I simply can't. I'm spoiled by the great feel and versitility of the Korg.
The 800 was worth the ticket price just as a piano/bass/vocal machine. The rest is gravy !
The closest thing I had to this PA800 was the Yamaha 9000pro, but the vocal input was no match, and neither were the drum sounds. So much inprovement has happened since those days.