Tony: After listening back to the performance, I found 3 examples :
1. “But I’m all grown up now”. If you try to hit the “t” in the word “but”, it doesn’t work.
“Bu-dime all grown up(a) now. The “d” gives it a soft “t” sound.

2. “Still need help” . The “l” in still is lost. Maybe just a lazy transition.

3. “Not for myself”. Better if glottal the “t” in “not”. “Not(a) for myself”

Guys, this is just my observation. In no way is it my intent to downplay Ms. Clarkson’s performance. There are certainly other factors involved. The mix, mics used, vocal compression...etc. I am not trying to play big time producer, but am only commenting because of the clarity issues brought forth by others. In other words...JMHO!
