thanks for replying.
It will be a real organ (from ~1700), really loud and with plenty of pipes.
It's on a stage, about 5-6 meters above ground.
Once I tried to record something similar, and all i had were dynamic microphones.
Although the sound was really loud inside the church, i had low signal on tape, so i had to raise the gain a lot, and it turned out spoiled because of it (you know when you exaggerate with gain and you can hear the player turning the score's pages?).
So i think i have to find the right microphones to get high signal from very far (something with a long and narrow action field, i guess).
Can you suggest any model?
And do you think it will be better to place the couple of microphones where the listener ears would be (quite close, that is, facing out one to the other) or on the opposite sides of the church corridor (very far one from the other)?
