
I too would post the names of the facilities on your calendar, which provides prospective clients the opportunity to both see and hear you perform. A word of advice, though. It has been my experience, and the experience of many, many others of whom I'm personally acquainted, that by and large web sites usually do not produce additional jobs, and they take lots of time to maintain, especially if you have a calendar that needs constant updating. In all the years I had a web site I did not book a single job directly from the site. Consequently, after more than 5 years I decided to drop the domain name and site and continue with my direct mail approach. Direct mail produced a response rate of nearly 25 percent when followed by phone calls and visits to the ADs. That combination works extremely well for ME!

Also, be sure to place your website address on all your business cards, CDs, Letterheads, etc..., so folks can find it. Keep in mind that unless you register with a series of search engines on at least a weekly basis, your site will quickly slide down the list.

Good Luck, Jim,

Gary cool
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)