On the current PA2XPRO...they have backing sequence (quick record) in sequencer mode. It allows you to recode your performance using styles.(unlike full PRO level 16 track sequence mode)
It records everything you do on the arranger section and realtime tracks live. Quick & easy to do. 2 grouped tracks are recorded....Kbd/PAD and Chord/ACC (Chord accomanyment)....that grouped track records style commands and chords.

The neat thing is after 'SAVING' they are recorded in tracks 9-16 so then you can edit itif necessary and get to each track.
Until you do a save you can selectively re-reocrd using play, mute, record parms for the Chord/ACC track and fix any problems real easy. The same is true of the KBD/Pad track.

So, very flexible as you can re-record only the Chod/ACC track or the KBD/Pad track to fix any performance errors...OR go to full sequencer mode and micro edit everthing..including re-recording any single track.

That's what we currwntly have...Quick Record is super and I guess the Chord/Acc track is basically the same as a chord track??

From the demo I saw...looks like the Chord Looper is a way of just do the chords and play over them using both hands after the chords are there. Could be pretty useful.

Lee S.
Lee S.