Hi Don,
hadn't realized there was such a shortage of Gem styles.
I normally only convert the odd style here & there to suit my own needs. ( currently to sd1)Even then I usually spend too much time tweaking it.( overly fussy)

Never owned a Gem so don't know how well other formats convert to them.
Some conversions can be plain awful, it's never occurred to me to just do a bunch & hand them out and let members decide what's rubbish & what's not, & let them fix them up themselves.

The making styles groups got quite a few members, but nobody seems to want to open up any discussions, so it's hard to know what members want.

If you need some styles ( I've got 100's from all my ex's), just ask, I'm happy to convert some, only problem is I can't tell whether they're useable or not because I don't own your brand keyboard.
AJ actually had the right idea in calling them " raw styles".

best wishes
[QUOTE]Originally posted by donpatt:
[B]Hi Group,
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022