If you pick a brand name or use a brand name for your name, you can be sued if:

1) It's a clear copyright conflict, that is, someone else has the right to the name in the same market in which you're using it,

2) The celebrity or marketability of your band name is derived in whole or in part from the use of the brand name - that is, your act benefits financially from its use - without any renumeration to the owner of the brand, or

3) If the use of the brand name potentially hurts its reputation, value, or marketability.

None of these boundaries, of course, are solid, and as long as there isn't much money involved, it's not worth the hassle for most owners of brand copyright. But, as my nick reflects, I tend to think it a better idea to come up with a name that derives nothing from or lends nothing to another recognizable name. Establish yourself as an artist, and clever names are unnecessary.
"The problem with the world is that the ignorant are cock-sure, whereas the intelligent are full of doubt." - Bertrand Russell